Sri Shantananda Saraswati
Om May no harm be done Here, May this desire be motivated by Love. May what is not beneficent wither to obscurity.
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The Gospel of Thomas (also known as the Coptic Gospel of Thomas) is extra to the canonical gospels in the New Testament of the bible. It was discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945 among a group of books known as the Nag Hammadi library. Scholars speculate that the works were buried and hidden after the declaration of a strict canon of Christian scripture, where any works that were not selected for inclusion in the new testament were ordered to be destroyed. Scholars have proposed dates of composition as early as 60 AD and as late as 250 AD as a collection of sayings of Jesus.
Our Commentary on Verse 005 of Thomas Gospel.
These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
Gospel of Thomas Saying 5 - The Obscure Will Become Disclosed
Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest.”
We look at our surroundings, both internal and external to our bodies, using all or any of our senses and what we “see” is made of material. All of this material is divided or separated only by its name and form. My body, that tree, those hills and so forth "Recognize what is in your sight".
If we could come to see, to realise, that all of these forms, without exception, all suffer entropy and decay. Like the clay pot standing up perfectly. It is moulded from earthen clay. But, eventually the pot will, one day, return to the earth it came from. Further, that very clay earth will further decay into its baser components and so forth.
The meaning of “Recognize what is in your sight” is that there is nothing here that is eternal. All of this name, form, world, universe is suffering entropy and decay. None of this will last therefore none of this can be called real. Only that that truly exists is eternal. What is real will not change, it will be immortal.
We know that the real does exist, the eternal does exist. Our existence now is in itself proof that Existence had no beginning and therefore can have no end. What is it that is immortal, or can be called Divine?
As Jesus is saying to us “Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.” We have recognised that what appears to be real to us is in fact transient and is therefore unreal.
So, “and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you” What is hidden from us is that which is behind this “seeing”. We are conscious of seeing only name and form, But behind the seeing we also have the conscious ability to use our divine reasoning ability to see that there is no lasting physical reality existing here. It is the “hidden” immortal divine consciousness that is real.
Further, it follows that when all that is unreal finally decays or falls away, which we know it will. Then what was once hidden from us, due to our delusion of material duality, will become manifest. All will be known. "For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest"
Related verses in the New testiment Bible:- Mark 4:21-23 Matt 10:26-33 Luke 12:1-3 Luke 8:16-17
All verses of the Thomas Gospel.
Ohm peace, peace, peace.