Sri Shantananda Saraswati
Om May no harm be done Here, May this desire be motivated by Love. May what is not beneficent wither to obscurity.
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The Gospel of Thomas (also known as the Coptic Gospel of Thomas) is extra to the canonical gospels in the New Testament of the bible. It was discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945 among a group of books known as the Nag Hammadi library. Scholars speculate that the works were buried and hidden after the declaration of a strict canon of Christian scripture, where any works that were not selected for inclusion in the new testament were ordered to be destroyed. Scholars have proposed dates of composition as early as 60 AD and as late as 250 AD as a collection of sayings of Jesus.
Our Commentary on Verse 037 of Thomas Gospel.
These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
Gospel of Thomas Saying 37 - The disciples need to surrender worldly values.
His disciples said, "When will you become revealed to us and when shall we see you?"
Jesus said, "When you disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments and place them under your feet like little children and tread on them, then will you see the son of the living one, and you will not be afraid."
“When will you become revealed to us and when shall we see you?"
Jesus’ disciples were deluded by duality, they couldn't see that what made Jesus appear different was his access to higher consciousness.They did not realise that in order to become conscious of the true being of Jesus “see you” they had to attain to that higher consciousness, or realisation themselves.
“When you disrobe without being ashamed"
Before divine revelation comes, the realisation of Non-Duality happens. When Jesus says "without being ashamed" It is the ignorance of the dual mind that is the subtle reference here.
The realised know this existence as being a Singularity of Consciousness Alone,
The realised understand the unimportance of worldly fear, embarrassment, ego, judgement, social rituals etc.
The realised know of the unreality of this material realm.
The sage, realises that all ‘This’ will come to pass.
The realised sage has had the very revelation the disciples seek, although the dual minded disciples can’t see it yet.
As the disciples come to realise the nondual singularity of eternal existence, they will attain to consciousness of the non-dual nature of all beings and Jesus as being One “become revealed to us and when shall we see you?"
“place them under your feet like little children and tread on them"
The surrender of transient material concerns is signified by the trampling of our once treasured material assets. Through the surrender of this world, we become free of its concerns, just like children who have not yet become desirous of the world.
“then will you see the son of the living one"
When our veil of duality is lifted our true being and identity with the nondual singularity of existence will be revealed.
“and you will not be afraid"
The reward for realising higher truth is the falling away of all fear, "you will not be afraid" because fear comes from the seeing of another and imagining it to be real, the error of duality.
The truth of Jesus will “become revealed to us.”
All verses of the Thomas Gospel.
Ohm peace, peace, peace.