Sri Shantananda Saraswati
Om May no harm be done Here, May this desire be motivated by Love. May what is not beneficent wither to obscurity.
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The Gospel of Thomas (also known as the Coptic Gospel of Thomas) is extra to the canonical gospels in the New Testament of the bible. It was discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945 among a group of books known as the Nag Hammadi library. Scholars speculate that the works were buried and hidden after the declaration of a strict canon of Christian scripture, where any works that were not selected for inclusion in the new testament were ordered to be destroyed. Scholars have proposed dates of composition as early as 60 AD and as late as 250 AD as a collection of sayings of Jesus.
Our Commentary on Verse 027 of Thomas Gospel.
These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
Gospel of Thomas saying 27 - Abstinence from the world.
"If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."
If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom
We left the kingdom, or the singularity of knowledge, consciousness and bliss that is the Absolute through our own desire for the world. Our fall from Absolute consciousness to consciousness limited to material awareness and desire also caused our forgetting of our true divine being.
Even so, we are of divine consciousness and the truth of this existence can be glimpsed through a cleansed heart and a quietened mind. All of us at some time intuitively feel this. In order to find the way back home our love for that truth needs to displace our mistaken belief in the need for material gain. Our desire for material gain weakens with every glimpse of spiritual truth we note and remember. This remembering and learning or noting leads to our ability to surrender further desire.
Surrendering material desire means to cease seeking sustenance or purpose from the world ”fast as regards the world”. a seeker who is no longer misled by the world will find the path home. ”find the kingdom”.
To ”observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath” means the way of not resting in the world until the truth of the Divine Absolute is realised as the way back home to the Absolute ”see the father."
ref. Matt 9:14-17, Matt 12:1-8, Mark 2:18-22, Mark 2:23-28.
All verses of the Thomas Gospel.
Ohm peace, peace, peace.